Overview: Martin's travelogue details his first impressions of Southeast Asia. The itinerary included an initial stop in Hong Kong, followed by Taiwan, and the Philippines. It then concluded with stops in Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, and return home through Hong Kong.
Overview: The itinerary ultimately included an overnight in Japan, then to Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, an overnight in Eastern Malaysia, and then finishes up in the Philippines.
Overview: The itinerary starts with Clyde's high school reunion in San Diego as a group of alumni return to Clark Air Base (now the Clark Economic Development Zone) in the Philippines. From there the two of us continue on our own visiting many locations and islands of the Philippines.
Overview: We return to Southeast Asia to celebrate our 25th wedding anniversary. It wasn't without new adventure, however, as we explored Angkor Wat and the kingdom of Cambodia for the first time. We also returned to Eastern Malaysia, Sabah province in Borneo, to expand on our brief experience from our second trip when we just had an overnight between flights.
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